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The 2nd semester will start the week of Monday, January 27, 2025 for "Independent" classes, and go for 15 weeks, finishing the week of May 19-22, 2025.   This is for all classes Todd will teach that are independent of learning centers.  All classes taught at learning centers will follow the calendar of the learning center, see their website for that schedule.





Todd will teach a SEMESTER LONG Woodworking class in several locations.  Class length may be different at learning center locations - check their schedule for their semester length.  Students will be able to build a project of their choosing using all of the full-size power tools.  You can see pictures of some projects students have built in previous classes on the Woodworking page on this website.  See the page titled WOODWORKING to see pictures and get details.  Students all ages from 6 to 18 AND adults can take the class.  Younger students will get more guidance and oversight keeping them safe.  See the schedule below for the multiple sites for woodworking classes.  

COST: $480/student for the semester plus the cost of the wood they need for class at independent sites.  The cost will vary at learning centers based on the length of their semester and other particulars for each learning center.  See their website for the cost.  Make POs a single lump sum amount.




Todd will teach an Aviation SCIENCE first semester, and Aviation CAREERS class second semester.  The Aviation Science class 1st semester will teach aerodynamics, engines, flight rules & regulations, airspace, flight controls, and more.  The Aviation Careers class 2nd semester will cover the wide variety of careers available in the aviation world.  We will talk about the amazing fast tracks available from the airlines now to get your students on their way to being an airline pilot that they can start right out of high school!  But there is much more to aviation careers than just being an airline pilot.  We will talk about aviation maintenance, aerospace engineering, air traffic control, airport operations, aircraft firefighting & rescue, military pilot, military enlisted jobs in aviation, and more.  First semester field trips will include a rocket shoot, flying a radio control plane, and a tour at the March AFB museum.  Second semester we will have 4 great field trips to schools and facilities to let students see these career paths first-hand.  They will culminate with an OPTIONAL flight at the parent's expense - each student flying a small plane with an instructor pilot - yes, they will have the controls!  Sign up on the registration page or on your learning center website for learning center classes.  Contact Todd if you would like a class for your group.


COST: $480/student for the semester.  Make POs a single lump sum amount.




Coach Nash will be repeating this successful class this year teaching Olympic Style Marksmanship using Airsoft pistol and Airsoft rifle.  Students will learn the basic concepts and techniques for marksmanship, Olympic style.  Student will learn body position, grip, breathing technique, trigger pull technique, and more.

Second semester we will progress to the follow-on class, Tactical Marksmanship.  This will teach students fire and movement, firing from braced positions and concealed positions, shooting the rifle on automatic, even a biathlon with running and shooting!  It will be a fun class for your kids, and a good follow on to the Olympic Marksmanship class.

Second semester the Tactical Marksmanship class will build on the fundamentals learned first semester and employ these skills in more "tactical" scenarios: Fire and movement, firing from covered positions, group fire, and even a biathlon!

We will shoot from short ranges at small targets.  Airsoft uses plastic BBs with green gas as a propellant.  There are no explosives, no gunpowder, and the plastic BBs will not injure when used properly.


COST: $480/student for the semester.




Coach Nash will run a volleyball team in Orange County on Tuesdays in San Juan Capistrano, across the street from Capo Beach Church, the church where PC Prep meets.  The team is open to all home-schooled students regardless of charter school or independent status, grades 5-12, and will be broken down by age and ability, with separate teams for boys and girls.  During the "off season", we will practice each Tuesday 3:30-5:00 from December 2024 through May 2025 and play some internal games.  The off-season practice will help players develop their skills so they are ready for the fall volleyball season where they will play games in the home school league.

This club will be the lowest cost club volleyball around, and your athletes will gain skills and have fun!   It is designed for both new players and players with some experience.  Click on the page VOLLEYBALL TEAMS to get all the details.  Click on SIGN UP to register for the Knights Volleyball Team for the fall.  We will start practices on Tuesday, Dec 3, practice the 3rd and 10th in December, then break for the holidays returning Jan 7 for weekly practice.  Practices will meet at Field across from church at 25975 Domingo Ave, Capo Beach


COST: $100/month for 4 practices/month.   It breaks down as $100 for 2 weeks in Dec and 2 weeks in January, then starting Jan 21 through May 20 it is $400 total for the 4 months of Feb - May, taking 2 weeks off for winter break and spring break, finishing on May 20.  Make POs a single lump sum amount of $400 for the winter and spring season, Dec 2024 - May 2025. 




The fall semester will feature some great sports for your children to learn and repeat over and over.  We will start the semester with baseball & softball, rotating to soccer and basketball for the semester.  We will mix in some recreational games throughout the semester. 


When students take a California Athletics class, each student works on individual skills the whole time, and equally with every other student.  We don't just throw out a ball and have them play large group games where the good athletes do everything and the new kids never touch the ball.  EVERY child works to develop their skills at their own level.  This class is ideal for your kids from age 5 to 18, regardless of how much experience they have.  ALL kids need to continue to develop their motor skills, coordination, and physical conditioning, whether they have no experience or a lot of experience.  We learn everything in life by repetition - let your kids repeat this class over and over!


Please remember, your students need to learn the basic skills on MANY different sports, whether they think they like them or not!  The sports we focus our effort on are MAINSTREAM sports, all of which should be experienced by kids at a PE level.  Let them choose the sports they play in a league based on what they like, but PE should not be optional for an 8 or 10 year old, or even a high schooler.  The state dept of education now requires PE of every student every year through high school graduation.  You don't let them decide to not learn subtraction because they think they don't like it.  It is an essential life skill, so they are REQUIRED to learn it!  The same applies to everything we will do in PE class.  Kids think they don't like it, only because they have no experience or skills in it.  Once they learn a little about the sport and gain some skills, they always enjoy it.  It doesn't matter if your child thinks they "like" baseball, they need to learn to throw!  It is a LIFE SKILL.  The same is true of dribbling a basketball, doing a good push-up, skipping, and hitting a volleyball.  These are essential motor skills kids need to learn and continue to develop, and they are directly linked to cognitive development.  Sign them up and make them participate!


COST: $280/student for cash/check or $280 for charter school PO for the 16-week semester class for independent classes not associated with a learning center, a real BARGAIN for a semester of quality instruction!  At Learning centers there are different prices based on the schedule and other particulars at each learning center.  See the learning center website for those prices, but make the POs as a lump sum payment for the semester.   Todd is a vendor with all of the SoCal charter schools who will pay, so you can get a PO for the class.  Please make the PO for a LUMP SUM SINGLE PO for $280 for the semester class.  The independent classes will go September - January.


SCHEDULE: The class at Independent sites will start the week of Sept 9, 2024, and go for 16 weeks through the week of Jan 23, 2025.  We will take off the week Thanksgiving and 3 weeks for Christmas from Dec 16 - Jan 3.


Cost: Independent sites will be $280/student for the semester.  Group class sites will be $300/student for the semester.




This will only be offered in Torrance at the conclusion of the PE class.  This will be a follow on to that class for students 10 & older where we will do intensive strength and conditioning work.  It will be much more intense than the PE class in the physical demands.  The goal is to get students into significantly better shape and give them the tools to train at home between practices.  Students will do body weight exercises and train physically.  All students will be trained at their level.  So a student in "not good shape" can train alongside the other students in better shape.  I still recommend students take the PE class to work on motor skills and athletic skill development, and it will be a warm up for the BOOTCAMP.  I will NOT take the time to warm up kids when we start BOOTCAMP.  If they are not in the PE class, they need to come to the park and warm up on their own before we start. 


Cost: $200 for students in the Fundamentals of Sports PE class immediately preceding the BOOTCAMP.

$280 for students not in PE.




All classes will be taught in person by Todd Nash at each of the sites listed below.  


SPRING 2025 CLASS SCHEDULE for California Athletics Independent and Learning Center classes.  You can register for the independent classes on this website by clicking on SIGN UP.   Learning Center classes will start with the Learning Center schedule, and you register on the Learning Center website.​



9:00-10:15       Aviation Careers, Temecula

10:30-12:00     Woodworking, Temecula

12:15-1:30       Olympic Marksmanship, Temecula

2:00-3:00         Fundamentals of Sports (PE), Temecula

3:00-4:30         Advanced Volleyball skills practice, Temecula



9:05-10:05        Olympic Marksmanship, PC Prep, Capo Beach

10:10-11:10      Pickleball, PC Prep, Capo Beach

12:10-1:40        Woodworking, PC Prep, Capo Beach

2:00-3:00          Pickleball San Clemente

3:30-5:00          Knights Volleyball Practice San Juan Capistrano



9:45-11:00       Olympic Marksmanship, Dana Point

12:30-1:30       Torrance PE Class: Baseball, Soccer, Basketball

1:35-2:20         Torrance Bootcamp

3:00-4:30         Torrance Olympic Marksmanship (Chavira home starting Jan 30)   

4:30-5:45         Torrance Woodworking (Chavira home starting Jan 30 - Call Todd) 



9:00-10:00         Aviation Science, The Annex Learning Center, Riverside***

10:15-11:15       PE: Baseball, Soccer, Basketball (gr 4-12), The Annex Learning Center, Riverside***

12:00-1:00         Tactical Marksmanship, The Annex Learning Center, Riverside***

1:15-2:15           Tactical Marksmanship, The Annex Learning Center, Riverside***

2:30-4:00           Volleyball practice Riverside


  • PC Prep classes will begin Jan 28, 2025

  • The Annex, Riverside classes will begin Jan 24, 2025

  • Independent classes will begin the week of Jan 27, 2025





To register for the class, click on SIGN UP on this site.  Even if you are with a charter school and submitting for a purchase order, you still need to sign up on this website so Todd will have your child on the roster for that class site.  Make your check out to Todd Nash for the amount listed below and mail it to the address below.


After registering, mail your check or get your charter school PO set up before the first class.  Registration fees are as follows:


  • Fundamentals of Sports Class - Independent (Spring 2025 semester): $280 check/PO for the semester class.  Classes at learning centers should pay a lump sum for the amount listed with that Learning Center.

  • Woodworking, Aviation Science, or Marksmanship at any Independent site: $480 for the semester.  Make PO for $480 lump sum.  

  • Volleyball Team: $100/month for Feb, Mar, April, May, 2025.  POs should be for a lump sum of $400.

  • For Charter School POs: PO should be for EITHER the full class amount at the start, OR half each in the 2nd and 4th month of the class, both issued at the start of the class.

  • NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM CHARTERS WILL BE ACCEPTED!  Must be LUMP SUMS ONLY!  Either for the full amount of the class, or for two halves as listed above.


After registering, mail your check made out to TODD NASH to:


Todd Nash

725 Karena Ct

Vista, CA 92083



Cell: 760-458-9753 


DIRECTIONS to each site:



9:00-10:15       Temecula Aviation Science: Keith & Lori Trask home, 43553 Calle Nacido, Temecula

10:30-12:00     Temecula Woodworking: Keith & Lori Trask home, 43553 Calle Nacido, Temecula

12:15-1:30       Temecula Olympic Marksmanship: Keith & Lori Trask home, 43553 Calle Nacido, Temecula

2:00-3:00         Temecula PE, Fundamentals of Sports: Pala Park, Temecula

3:00-4:30         Temecula Volleyball Team practice: Pala Park, Temecula



9:05-10:05        Olympic Marksmanship, PC Prep: 25975 Domingo Ave, Capo Beach, CA

10:10-11:10      Pickleball, PC Prep: 25975 Domingo Ave, Capo Beach, CA

12:10-1:40        Woodworking, PC Prep: 25975 Domingo Ave, Capo Beach, CA

2:00-3:00          Pickleball Class: Private home in San Clemente, contact Todd for details

3:30-5:00          Volleyball TEAM: Field across from Capo Beach Church at 25975 Domingo Ave, Dana Point 



3:00-4:30         Advanced Volleyball skills, San Marcos: Las Posas Park.



9:45-11:00       Olympic Marksmanship: Contreras, 33012 Daniel Dr, Dana Point, CA

12:30-1:30       Torrance PE Class: McMaster Park, 3624 Artesia Blvd, Torrance.

1:35-2:20         Torrance Bootcamp: McMaster Park, 3624 Artesia Blvd, Torrance.

3:00-4:30         Torrance Olympic Marksmanship: Chavira House, call Todd for address

4:30-5:45         Torrance Woodworking: Chavira House, call Todd for address & enrollment



9:00-10:00         Aviation Science, The Annex Learning Center: 8223 California Ave. Riverside, CA

10:15-11:15       PE (gr 4-12), The Annex Learning Center: 8223 California Ave. Riverside

12:00-1:00         Olympic Marksmanship (gr 7-12), The Annex Learning Center: 8223 California Ave. Riverside

1:15-2:15           Olympic Marksmanship (gr 4-8), The Annex Learning Center: 8223 California Ave. Riverside

2:30-4:00           Advanced Volleyball skills practice, Riverside (at The Annex site or a Riverside Park)


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HOMEWORK for PE CLasses. Do these exercises as taught in classes 3 times a week:


1. Upper body strength exercises:


3 sets of 10 pushups

3 sets of 10 dips

3 sets of 10 bicep curls

3 sets of 20 sit ups


2. Leg stremgth exercises.  Do these 3 times a week:


3 sets 10 squats, go down until thighs are parallel to the ground.

3 sets 10 walking lunges with each leg, going down until thigh is parallel to ground, walking forward each rep

3 sets 10 step ups each leg

3 sets 20-30 calf raises


3.  Running exercises.  Do these 3 times a week:


Mark off 20 meters in the grass.  First, jog a warm up, anything from 1/4 mile to 1 mile.  Then:


4 x 20 meters "A skips".  Focus on high knee (thigh parallel to ground), heel high under you, and toe high.

2 x 20 meters side shuffle - move sideways and do not cross the feet.

2 x 20 meters Karioka - crossing the feet in front and behind as you move sideways.

2x 20 meters build ups, gradually increasing speed.

2 x 20 meters sprint at full speed.

100 meters sprints at full speed, do 2-8 of them depending on your condition and age.


Then jog a cool down 1/4 mile and walk another 1/4 mile cool down.



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