Woodworking classes are available at many locations, see the CLASSES & SCHEDULE page for all locations. Classes can be added at any other sites where we can set up tools and have power. Some cover is preferable, but not required. If you would like to add a class in your site, contact Todd.
This is not a "Kit Class" where students just assemble a pre-made kit, all doing the same thing. Students will choose their own project, something they want, they can use, give as a gift, something that fits into your house and your life. Then students will learn how to draw up plans, decide what materials to purchase, and build all their projects from raw wood from Home Depot or any lumber supply. Coach Nash will purchase the materials and you reimburse him.
All of the pictures you will see on this page are projects built by students in woodworking classes taught by Coach Nash. Your student can do this too! The class cost is $480/student for the semester for independent sites, or whatever cost is listed on a Learning Center site. This can be paid by charter school PO or by check. There is a materials cost in addition to the tuition for wood and materials.
See the page titled CLASSES AND SCHEDULE to see where there are woodworking classes.


Your student can build projects like these. Contact Coach Nash to set up a class in your area, or to join an already existing class!